Yellow Flag Programme

Celebrating Diversity, Promoting Inclusion, Challenging Racism
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Intercultural Learning

Link Title Type Description Link with Primary Post Primary
Travellers Voice Magazine Magazine News and features about Travellers and Roma English, History, SPHE, Wellbeing 1 1
Traveller Culture and Heritage Fact sheet Fact sheet about Traveller Culture and Heritage SPHE, SESE, CSPE, Geography, Wellbeing, English, Gaeilge  1 1
Coppers and Brass Music Documentary Contribution of Irish Travellers to Traditional Irish Music Music, SPHE 1 1
A Heritage Ahead, Cultural Action and Travellers Book Chapters on Traveller History, language and oral tradition English, History, SPHE, Wellbeing 1 1
A list of books about Traveller Culture List List compiled by Meath Travellers Workshops SPHE, SESE, CSPE, Geography, Wellbeing, English, Gaeilge 1 1
Books for kids that depict Travellers Story book Books to buy that depict Traveller Culture SPHE, SESE, English, Wellbeing  1
Inspiring Traveller Women  Book Book about inspiring women in the Traveller community, their personal stories SPHE, SESE, CSPE, Geography, Wellbeing, English 1 1
Inspiring Traveller Men Book Book about inspiring men in the Traveller community, their personal stories SPHE, English, CSPE 1 1
Traveller Writer Series 2010 Book Stories, articles and thoughts  written by Travellers SPHE, English, CSPE 1 1
Working with Young Travellers Book Information about Travellers, statistics and issues faced by Travellers, written in plain English SPHE, English, CSPE 1 1
Challenging the Myths about Travellers Leaflet Common myths about Travellers challenged SPHE, English, CSPE 1 1
Travellers formally recognised as an ethnic group Newspaper article  Irish times newspaper article English, CSPE, SPHE, Geography 1 1
Posters in relation to Travellers  Posters Posters developed by Pavee Point English, CSPE, SESE, SPHE, Wellbeing 1 1
Traveller young girl talks about how she enjoys coder dojo Video Young girl talking about Coder Dojo and her Traveller identity Computers, CSPE, SESE 1 1
Video of Irish students talking about their Muslim identity Video (4mins)  Video where Irish young people talk about their Muslim identity Religion, CSPE, SESE 1 1
This Website provides 393 ‘perspective texts’ for different age groups to explore different aspects of diversity and social justice List Links to films, writing, poetry, photos etc. to explore diversity themes (U.S. Resource) English, History, SPHE, Wellbeing 1 1
Human Rights Stories for National Schools Stories Tales of Human Rights defenders for National Schools SPHE, SESE, English, Wellbeing, History, Geography 1
Article and video  News article and news video clip DNA and identity of Irish Travellers Science, SPHE, Wellbeing 1 1
List of resources, texts , videos and films Videos, articles, stories Excellent resource list and Texts for Ethical education compiled by Educate Together All subjects 1 1
Irish short films Film Short films that can be used to explore aspects of culture English, SPHE, SESE, Wellbeing, Gaeilge 1 1
List of resources, texts and films Texts, films, lesson plans List compiled by the National Youth Council of Ireland All subjects 1 1
Show Racism the Red Card Video Video about racism and what groups are doing to tackle it PE, SPHE, Wellness, SESE 1 1
List of culturally diverse children’s books List Diverse voices: the 50 best culturally diverse children’s books for kids and teens English, SPHE, SESE 1 1
Book seller specializing in books about equality and diversity List Books to purchase about equality and diversity English 1
Children’s Library Books Free online library, access to digital books for children, includes many intercultural books English, SPHE 1 1
A painter named Kennedy Story and pictures Story about a painter from Mombasa English, Art, CSPE, SPHE 1 1
CSPE Resources Texts, videos, education  packs Range of resources for CSPE classes CSPE 1 1
BBC made resources for schools Films and other resources Range of resources for all subjects All subjects 1 1
Be Fair Website, School Programme Promoting a school culture where everyone is fair and respectful All subjects, Primary 1 1
Show Racism the Red Card Website, School Programme Sports Programme to address racism in school PE, SPHE, Wellness 1 1
Activity Village website Intercultural activities, worksheets and games All levels Primary 1
Kids National Geographic website Games, worksheets, information and videos on different countries and cultures Geography, CSPE, SPHE, SESE 1
Equality and Intercultural Resources  website National youth council, ideas on interculturalism for youth services All subjects 1 1
Pavee Point website Accurate information in relation to Travellers and Roma people in Ireland SPHE, SESE, CSPE, Geography, Wellbeing, English 1 1
Irish Traveller Movement website Accurate information in relation to Travellers and Roma people in Ireland SPHE, SESE, CSPE, Geography, Wellbeing, English 1 1
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