Yellow Flag Programme Launches its General Election Manifesto

The Yellow Flag Programme today launched it’s 2024 Election Manifesto – Early Action – Lasting Change: Building Inclusive School Communities

For over a decade, the Yellow Flag Programme has championed diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism in schools, impacting thousands of students, teachers, and parents across Ireland. Now, with this manifesto, the programme are setting out three clear and urgent asks to ensure every child and young person can thrive in a school environment that values and celebrates their identity.

The Yellow Flag Programme recognises that schools are a microcosm of wider society, where efforts to address racism can create ripple effects that benefit entire communities. By taking meaningful action at the school community level to challenge discrimination and celebrate diversity, the programme fosters a culture of inclusivity that not only transforms the school environment but also inspires positive change throughout the broader community.

The Yellow Flag Programme are calling on the future government to:

  1. Invest in the Yellow Flag Programme as a key government partner in delivering intercultural education commitments
  2. Mandate schools to develop and implement an anti-racism policy and whole-school strategies to combat racism
  3. Integrate Yellow Flag components into the school curriculum and teacher education models.

Want to support our asks? Download this social media template, insert your logo, share and tag us! Join us now by sharing the Yellow Flag vision for the next programme for government #EarlyActionLastingChange

Read the full manifesto here